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Our exploitation techniques exceed the capabilities of today’s malicious actors which means our customers are prepared for future threats.


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We focus on discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities in software that accesses business-critical information. Enterprise backup software, browsers, and e-mail clients, to name a few.
Our Focus Areas

This isn’t just our job
It’s our obsession

Our goal is to provide customers with actionable information, capabilities, and context for unknown and known vulnerabilities.

High-Risk Targets

We develop private exploitation techniques in-house that exceed the demonstrated capabilities of today's malicious actors allowing our customers to prepare in advance for future threats.
Future Threats

We’ve worked hard to build and maintain our team’s technical expertise. We often present results of our research at leading industry conferences.
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Policy on the processing of personal data

1. General provisions
This personal data processing policy is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Federal law No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006 "on personal data" and defines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data taken by Mikhailov Ivan Sergeevich (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).
1.1. the Operator sets as its most important goal and condition for the implementation of its activities the observance of human and civil rights and freedoms when processing their personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets.
1.2. this Operator's policy regarding personal data processing (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) applies to all information that the Operator can obtain about website visitors

2. Basic concepts used in the Policy
2.1. Automated processing of personal data – processing of personal data using computer technology;
2.2. Blocking of personal data – temporary termination of processing of personal data (except for cases when processing is necessary to clarify personal data);
2.3. Website – a set of graphic and informational materials, as well as computer programs and databases that ensure their availability on the Internet at a network address;
2.4. personal data Information system — a set of personal data contained in databases and information technologies and technical means that ensure their processing;
2.5. Depersonalization of personal data — actions that make it impossible to determine whether personal data belongs to a specific User or other personal data subject without using additional information;
2.6. personal data Processing – any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed with or without the use of automation tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data;
2.7. Operator – a state body, municipal body, legal entity or individual that independently or jointly with other persons organizes and (or) performs the processing of personal data, as well as determines the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data;
2.8. Personal data – any information related directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable User of the website;
2.9. User – any user of the website
2.10. Provision of personal data – actions aimed at disclosure of personal data to a certain person or a certain group of persons;
2.11. Dissemination of personal data – any actions aimed at disclosure of personal data to an indefinite group of persons (transfer of personal data) or at familiarization with personal data to an unlimited number of persons, including disclosure of personal data in the mass media, placement in information and telecommunications networks, or providing access to personal data in any other way;
2.12. Cross-border transfer of personal data transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign state authority, foreign state, foreign natural or foreign legal entity;
2.13. Destruction of personal data – any action in which personal data is destroyed irrevocably impossible to restore the contents of personal data in the information system of personal data and (or) destroyed material carriers of personal data.

3. the Operator may process the following personal data of the User
3.1. phone number, name;
3.2. Also on the website, the collection and processing of anonymous data about visitors (including "cookies") through the services of Internet statistics (Yandex Metric and Google Analytics and others).
3.3. The above data are hereinafter Policy United by a common concept of Personal data.

4. Purposes of personal data processing
4.1. the Purpose of processing the User's personal data is to inform the User by sending emails.
4.2. the Operator Also has the right to send notifications to the User about new products and services, special offers and various events. The user can always unsubscribe from receiving informational messages to the Operator by sending a letter to the e-mail privacy@thismywebsite·com with subject "Rejection notifications about new products and services and special offers".
4.3. Anonymous User data collected through the services of Internet statistics are used to collect information about User activity on the website, improve the website and its content.

5. Legal grounds for processing personal data
5.1. the Operator processes the User's personal data only if they are filled in and / or sent by the User independently through special forms located on the site By filling out the appropriate forms and / or sending their personal data to the Operator, the User agrees to this Policy.
5.2. the Operator processes depersonalized data about the User if this is allowed in the User's browser settings (saving cookies and using JavaScript technology is enabled).

6. Procedure for collecting, storing, transmitting and other types of personal data processing
The security of personal data processed by the Operator is ensured by implementing legal, organizational and technical measures necessary to fully comply with the requirements of current legislation in the field of personal data protection.
6.1. the Operator ensures the security of personal data and takes all possible measures to prevent access to personal data of unauthorized persons.
6.2. the User's Personal data will never, under any circumstances, be transferred to third parties, except in cases related to the implementation of current legislation.
6.3. if inaccuracies in personal data are detected, the User can update them independently by sending a notification to the Operator's email address privacy@thismywebsite * com marked "Updating personal data".
6.4. The term of processing of personal data is unlimited. The user can withdraw their consent to the processing of personal data at any time by sending a notification to the Operator via email to the Operator's email address privacy@thismywebsite·com marked "Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data".

7. cross-Border transfer of personal data
7.1. the Operator must ensure that the rights of personal data subjects are reliably protected by the foreign state to which the transfer of personal data is supposed to take place prior to the start of the cross-border transfer of personal data.
7.2. cross-Border transfer of personal data on the territory of foreign States that do not meet the above requirements can only be carried out if the personal data subject has written consent to the cross-border transfer of his personal data and/or execution of the contract to which the personal data subject is a party.

8. Final provisions
8.1. the User can get any clarifications on issues of interest related to the processing of their personal data by contacting the Operator using the email privacy@thismywebsite·com.
8.2. This document will reflect any change in the policy of processing of personal data by the Operator. The policy is valid indefinitely until it is replaced with a new version.
8.3. the Current version of the Policy is freely available on the Internet at
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